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…but I don’t like change…

Hi, it has been a while

I have been slack with posting lately. On November 18th last year I got married.  I have been busy learning the joys and frustrations of sharing my world with a man. My husband is a very patient man. I warned him well before we said our vows that even though I have overcome a lot over the years I will still have what I like to call my ‘Aspe moments’ .

My goodness have I had a few of those over the last few months!!

There has been a number of changes – living with a man, new house, transferred to a new location with my job and recently changed churches. So I shouldn’t be surprised that I have had a few ‘moments’.

I find I am much more irritable when I go through such changes all at once but every time it happens I conveniently forget how badly I can react. I may get angry and frustrated over something small. The biggest thing that has set me off is when my husband (often without knowing) messes with my systems! Sometimes my systems seem illogical to him but if he even suggests a different approach I will react with wails of ‘But that’s not how I do it!’ Usually it’s related to finances. After such blow ups, I eventually crawl back to hubby and apologise for my ridiculous behaviour. He quickly forgives because he is aware that all the change is not easy with me to deal with. He knows I can be easily overwhelmed. He is a keeper 🙂

My husband loves to hug me, he is a big hugger! I am more accustomed to it now then what I used to be but I still am not quite as enthuisiastic as my husband is. However I have noticed over the last couple of months that I enjoy them more now then when we were dating.

This whole marriage thing is exciting. There is lots of hard work ahead. We are both learning how to love each other as best we can. There has been adjustment and there will continue to be. I am learning to look at things differently – through hubby’s perspective and he is learing how to best deal with my ‘moments’. As time goes on I know such ‘moments’ will be less common. But I’m sure that will mean a knew change will come! I believe that the next time around I will not just cope but overcome and conquer, and you can too.

No matter who you are, you need people around you to love you and to help shape you into a better, stronger human being. I can only use Aspergers as an excuse for so long. Whether I like it or not change will come and I have the power to choose how I deal with it.

Power to you!


3 responses to “…but I don’t like change…

  1. Luke ⋅

    You are hot! Thats is all. Signed…Husband 🙂

  2. Kate ⋅

    Thanks honey

  3. Peggy ⋅

    I am raising a 9 year old extremely creative, intelligent aspy girl…still unraveling her puzzle since she and I are very different. She’s not sure if she will ever get married, but she is sure she will always have a cat in her life. After 22 years of marriage, yesterday I realized that my husband has some asperger characteristics. I’ve always known that, but sometimes when you are in the middle of a life relationship, it’s not clear. Now it is and it explains a lot. He’s a great husband and dad to our daughter…gives her routine and predictability.

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